Access Keys:

St. Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Rd, Armagh
Bring and Buy Book Sale – March 6th! Hello everyone!The School Council and Eco School Committees are excited to announce a Bring and Buy Book Sale on Thursday March 6th! It's a fantastic way to recycle books, raise funds, and support some amazing school projects. Here’s how you can get involved:Collect books from your family and friends (with permission from an adult, of course)!Bring your books to your class teacher by Tuesday 4th March so we can prepare for the sale.On March 6th, each class will have the chance to visit the sale and find the perfect new-to-you book!All funds raised will support the great projects from both the Eco and School Council Committees. Let's make this a huge success and help our school grow!Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to see all the fantastic books!Happy reading! [Open Image]
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School Uniform

School Uniform- Wednesday, Thursday

Boys                                                                Girls

Apple green shirt;                                            Apple green shirt;

Bottle green jumper (crest);                             School tie;

School tie;                                                        Bottle green, pleated pinafore or skirt;

Grey trousers;                                                  Bottle green jumper (crest);

Black runners or shoes.                                   Bottle green tights or socks;

                                                                         Black runners or shoes.

PE Uniform- Monday,Tuesday,Friday

White polo shirt with school crest, green sweatshirt with school crest and green tracksuit bottoms.

Children may only wear the PE uniform on PE days. All items must be clearly labelled.


Uniform Suppliers:

McEvoys Drapery

13 Monaghan Street, Newry BT35 6BB

 Tel: 028 3026 2294