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St. Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Rd, Armagh

Internet Safety Workshops with REIM Training Solutions

16th Jan 2025

On Thursday 16th January 2025, all pupils from Reception to Primary 7 took part in Internet Safety Workshops, delivered by Amanda from REIM Training Solutions. All our pupils participated to the workshops extremely well and will very much benefit from these workshops which highlighted the dangers that are present online and continued to promote to our pupils how they can stay safe when they are using the internet. 

I would like to remind parents/carers that REIM Training Solutions are delivering a number of Parents/Carers workshop in the coming weeks.  These workshops will be delivered online (using zoom) from 7.30pm to 9pm, on Monday 20th January, Tuesday 25th February and Thursday 27th March, links for these are on our Class Seesaws. These dates are varied to allow for maximum parent participation.

Our parents/carers workshops give a snapshot into some of the current hot apps, the trends and the parental controls that can be put in place. It also affords parents/carers with the opportunity to ask questions about specific scenarios.