2025/2026 Reception and Primary 1 Applications
Online applications for Reception or Primary One for children born in 2020/2021/2022 are now open via EA Connect. Applications will remain open until Friday 24th January 2025 @12 noon for the 2025/2026 school year.
Visit https://connect.eani.org.uk/parent/ to apply and see EA’s website for more information on the admissions process: www.eani.org.uk/admissions
We really enjoyed seeing our new boys and girls at our Open Day. If you were unable to attend, you and your child are most welcome to visit our school at another time.
Please phone our school office, 02837507397 or email: info@stteresas.tullyherron.ni.sch.uk to arrange a suitable appointment. or if you have any queries about applications.
St. Teresa's Primary School, 60 Tullyherron Rd, Armagh, Mountnorris, Armagh BT60 2UF | Tel: 028 3750 7397