Access Keys:

St. Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Rd, Armagh


2019/2020 School Year

15th May 2020
Please see the attached letter from the Department of Education regarding the release...
15th May 2020
A special Mass will be celebrated for all the pupils and their parents in St. Patrick's...
14th May 2020
Happy Birthday to both Clare (P6) and Aimee (P5) who celebrate their birthdays today!...
12th May 2020
The Education Authority will issue notification of post primary placement letters...
12th May 2020
Clare plays Ladies GAA Football with Whitecross U12. She has been practicing another...
12th May 2020
WK 4 GAA Primary Challenges including activities, lessons and weekly competition....
12th May 2020
During the home schooling period, the Nessy Programme allows children access to...
7th May 2020
Ursula is having great fun at home we have went on nature walks, where she has been...
7th May 2020
Happy Birthday to both Sean (P7) and Daniel (P6) who celebrate their Birthdays this...
7th May 2020
We have registered our school for the Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day! The Healthy...