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St. Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Rd, Armagh
Pre-School/Primary 1 applications close TODAY Online applications for Reception or Primary One for children born in 2020/2021/2022 and that will turn 4 will close today via EA Connect. -Applications will close today Monday 27th January @4pm for the 2025/2026 school year. Visit to apply and see EA’s website for more information on the admissions process: Please phone our school office, 02837507397 or email: to arrange a suitable appointment, or if you have any queries about applications.   [Open Image] | Pre-School/Primary 1 applications close TODAY   Online applications for Reception or Primary One for children born in 2020/2021/2022 and that will turn 4 will close today via EA Connect. -Applications will close today Monday 27th January @4pm for the 2025/2026 school year. Visit to apply and see EA’s website for more information on the admissions process: Please phone our school office, 02837507397 or email: to arrange a suitable appointment, or if you have any queries about applications.   [Open Image]
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Celebrating St Teresa's School Community

27th May 2020

Pre-School/Primary 1 applications close TODAY
Online applications for Reception or Primary One for children born in 2020/2021/2022 and that will turn 4 will close today via EA Connect.
-Applications will close today Monday 27th January @4pm for the 2025/2026 school year.
Visit to apply and see EA’s website for more information on the admissions process:
Please phone our school office, 02837507397 or email: to arrange a suitable appointment, or if you have any queries about applications.
Pre-School/Primary 1 applications close TODAY